Monday, September 28, 2009

Organic Deodorant

So I'm trying to be organic...
i've got the buying organic veggies down - and doing quite well i might add :) my hubby and i (daughter in tow) have found the nicest organic and fresh produce market in tokai/retreat.
But I'm still looking for a decent deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, moisteriser, etc...
So for a bit of history - while wanting to smell nice i've been using the normal aluminum based roll-ons for years. Just played around with the many different smells and pretty packaging. But have since discovered that aluminum and lauryl sulphates and parabens are ALL very bad for you and decided to find products that don't conatin these things...cause deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body loations, soaps, cosmetics etc. all contain one or all of these bad things!!! BUT to my amazement while searching through every single roll-on in pick n pay i found that i could not find one roll-on deodorant that didn't contain aluminum! boy oh boy what an irriating time reading every single label. There are so many makes and even the ones that look good for you claiming to be healthy - like "rooibos or tea tree" deo still have one of these bad products in them. so i have been using taa daa (drum roll) baby powder :) it smells nice and has been ok - besides the white marks on my black tops all is well.
Then came the warmer weather.... and the baby powder didn't last so well versus smell ratio... so i had to re-think my idea for deo. and so for now i am trying out Pure beginnings - eco roll on in forest fragrance.

i'll keep you posted if it's any good :)  or bad... either way.

happy organic girl SA


  1. there is also a nice little organic market weekly in noordhoek, just past Cape Dutch nursery on the left. Not sure which days yet and they seem a bit eratic!! Must find out, have only been once. Have you been to the Triangular Market on a Saturday morn in Fish Hoek?

  2. no i haven't been to the triangular market in Fish Hoek yet. nor the one in Noordhoek. I will have to look out for that/them and give it a try. I'm just so super stoked with the one in tokai right now :) so i'll give it some time to wear off and then run along to another - perhaps

  3. why dont you try that crystal deodrant? Its like a crystal rock...its weird, but it works for some poeple


let me know what you think. Don't be shy.... :)